Respect Sleeves
Card Sleeves
There are few things that are more central to Netrunner than respecting your opponent… and anything they may have lurking beneath those well-placed, unrezzed assets. And ice. And that one Snare! in HQ. And— yeah, you get the point. A lot of playmats on the site may just be stylish reminders, but this design works hard to be the ultimate reminder of all.
Technically, some of these could count as outside notes during sanctioned tournaments. Check with the tournament judges if you'd rather not get game losses you didn't intend to get.
In This Asset Pack:
Assets for card sleeve illustration.
Four variants, with ‘Respect’ design in neon green or anarch orange on black background, or in black over neon green or anarch orange background.
Illus. millenomi. Licensed to you as CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Make This Real:
- Step one — Download
- Step two — Use this asset pack to set up a custom print — for example, at the recommended print-on-demand provider below.
Recommended for this asset pack:
Dragon ShieldThis asset pack contains an image that has sufficient DPI and appropriate size and margins for Dragon Shield's Sleeve Crafter product in poker card size (63×88 mm). Designed for use with the 'straight' frame, but most designs should work with most frames.