Look. You may not appreciate getting a single credit for your click. But, sometimes, those two clicks getting up to a Nuka or a Creative Commission are the difference between staying in the game and being forever behind on tempo. So, I'll say: be grateful that from the original design on, you could always spend your time — as Garfield intended; when all else is lost — and still come up with the noble and precious bit. I mean, credit.
In This Asset Pack:
Assets for playmat illustration.
‘One Credit’ design on black background.
Illus. millenomi. Licensed to you as CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Make This Real:
- Step one — Download
- Step two — Use this asset pack to set up a custom print — for example, at the recommended print-on-demand provider below.
Recommended for this asset pack:
Inked GamingThis asset pack contains an image that has sufficient DPI and the exact size required for Inked Gaming's Custom Standard Playmat selection.